Translation Services

We offer translation services in over 170 languages. Our translators only translate into their mother tongue. They also have specialist subject knowledge so they can combine linguistic knowledge with subject knowledge. This ensures the highest quality results.

Many translations of documents and certificates need to be notarised or certified before they will be accepted as “true” translations. Our translators regularly translate birth, death and marriage certificates, educational qualification certificates and other documents.

Certified Translation

Certified Translation$213.73

A 'Certified Translation' is where the translation work includes a letter printed on our translation company's letterhead certifying that, as a professional translation company, they have undertaken the translation to the correct standards. 

Notarised Translation

Notarised Translation$461.21

A 'Notarised Translation' is where the translation work is certified by both the translation company and also a Notary Public. This is often referred to as a 'Sworn Translation'.

Types of Certification and Notarisation

We are able to offer two types of certification. It is important that you check with the appropriate authority which type of certification they will accept before placing any orders.

The first type of certification comes in the form of a letter printed on our translation company's letterhead certifying that, as a professional translation company, the company has undertaken the translation. This is known as a Certified Translation. Order a Certified Translation here.

The second type of certification is where the translation is stamped and signed by a Notary Public. This is known as a Notarised Translation. Often these notarised translations will require further legalisation by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). Order a Notarised or Legalised Translation here.

Please note that we are only able to certify and notarise translations that have been completed by us.

Choose one of the following services:

No matter what your certificate translation needs, our team are professional and you are guaranteed a friendly response to any questions you may have. Give us a call NOW on +44 (0) 330 088 1142 to find out more.